I used the typology of RSC programme covers that I collected in my first workshop, to inspire the subject area of my zine design. The programme covers are visually rich and therefore still were interesting to work with, despite being a difficultly large collection from flat, digital images.
I wanted to angle the theme of the zine towards my parents, being personal towards my parents as it is their collection in the first place. I conducted another “interview” with them and discussed which programmes held most memories for them and talked about their experiences based on this, building up a list of some quaint small stories. I wanted to display these stories in the zine in a chronological way so that it makes up a type of narrated timeline. This makes the zine a Fan Zine, and is something that the RSC wouldn’t produce themselves and because of that, should have more interest for external readers. The title is “The RSC and Me, … well, my parents actually.” This hopefully sets the tone of the zine, being slightly humorous, and not taking it self too seriously.

The methods of printing I wish to use will be based on what I know I can easily achieve with also some speed but still achieving interesting aesthetics. I wish to mostly use photocopying to reproduce the quantity of zines needed. For points of colour, I found that printing over the photocopy of the programme cover images provided for interesting visuals. The effect is not precise, but I quite like it that way as it is different every time and kind of looks like a drop shadow. I also played around with perhaps using stencilling and coloured paper, but I think this might over complicate the process.

For the front cover, I plan to use segments of original RSC leaflets and flyers, as the paper used is very distinct and has a very distinct smell. I am not trying to replicate what the RSC already uses, rather just trying to install an existing physical (and smelly) part of what the zine is actually about! I will also try to print the image of Shakespeare on the front using a simple form of lino-print or surface printing, which will add texture and variety.
Hopefully the zine achieves its goal to be an informative catalogue of my parent’s interests, put in a very personal way.