Thursday, 26 April 2012
2.1: RSC Interview
Click HERE for the PDF of the transcription of the interview.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
2.1: Inside the Programmes

The modern programme style, with a new form of type based on the cover theme of this 'series'. And again the images keep relatively separate from the text content, also still photographic.

2.1: Survey and Interview Quotes

2.1: Survey Monkey Questions
2.1: Summary of my Parents' Interview
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
2.1: Interview with my Parents! (MUM)
- How long have you been going to RSC?
I first went as part of my O Level English course (O Levels were what we took before they intoduced GCSE's) I think I went twice, from my grammer school in Wales - one of which was Macbeth. So either 1975 or 76.
Why did you start going?
Covered above.
What has made you keep going?We'd studied the text in depth before coming to see the play. Seeing it performed by the RSC brought the text alive and far more understandable. I was hooked!
Why do you buy the programmes for the plays you see?
Souvenir, artwork, sometimes the history or story, info on cast and also all the RSC staff listed.
Do you think the programmes are important?
Yes. Because they are a way of providing information but also setting the scene. Giving you a feeling for the production, does that make sense? Quite often there are rehearsal photos and things like that, so you get an idea of their approach and influences.
Why did you keep all the ones you bought?
Souvenir, also reminder as to what we've seen. I suppose we're a bit blaze about it really - we go so often. I try not to take it for granted, especially when I see vistors who are clearly in awe about where they are.Would you describe it as a collection. And if so, was it intentional as a collection?
I suppose it is, but I don't think it was intended as such.
Will you keep buying them in the future?
Of course.
What's the most important part of the programme in your opinions?
That's tricky. If it's a new play then the story line. If not then it's hard to say. TBH I often read it after seeing the play - retrospectively it can be more informative - a bit like seeing a film for the second time and seeing all the important little bits that you missed the first time.
What's your favourite parts of the programmes?
I think that changes from programme to programme - it depends on what connects with the performance.
Do you think the cover images reflect anything (on an obvious level) about the current times or social influences? Refer to my blog if it helps! Or are they purely decorative?Probably, but I think that depends on what is being depicted in the play. I always feel that the cover should give a hint as to the influences of the direction of the play itself.
hic covers, or the older, more illustrative ones?
Do you think the cover art often reflects the feeling of the play well?
Sometimes, but not always. The photos, I don't actually like the photos, particularly because they are often just the actors in their costumes. You get much more of a sense of the production if it is from an artist's perspective, if you like, much more inspiration from it. The photos are the lazy option in my opinion, it doesn't provide the sense of the production. It's more imaginative having an illustration, rather than just photos. There was a lovely "Merry Wives of Windsor" programme illustration set in the 1950's. The WHOLE programme was influenced by this 50's inspired style, and you instantly knew what the production would be like.
Do you prefer the newer, more photograpThe illustrative style for me. Answered above.Do you like how the programme covers have progressed into this corporate form and remained unified in that way?
No. Because it's too corporate and Shakespeare isn't corporate. It may be corporate in the background, in this day and age I suppose it has to be, but I don't it needs to be outwardly portrayed. For example, the recent "King John" production, that wasn't corporate. If it is too corporate, young people don't relate it and rebel against it, you want something you can relate to rather than being an establishment (exclusive and clicky).
Do you have a favourite cover that you remember?
The Twelfh Night one, that I have the poster of. No idea where that one is though. We had that before we moved, so may be it was lostDo the programmes represent the company profile of the RSC well?
Human nature never changes, and observations of it are as relevent today as they were then. I guess they need to be 'corporate', but hope it doesn't cause them to lose touch with what makes Shakespeare so appealing. I would actually say less so now, than earlier. Perhaps because they are so slick...
I'd actually say rich in history but still able to relate the text to the modern day.
Do you see the programmes taking on different platforms of media in the future? (Eg, web based, video, emailed etc)
It sounds like a good idea.What kind of image to you get of the company from them?
I would hope that it's not corporate!What do you think of these possible changes? Good? Bad?
Good - the RSC must stay fresh and current and able to connect with young people.Are you aware of the progression of the RSC's marketing through digital means? If so, what are your feelings on it?
Sort of, from what you've shown me, but it's not something I've looked for myself. But then, i'm already a fan! But yes, I think it's terribly important. I can remember being completely dismissive of Shakespeare - it's for old people. it wasn't until I sawe it performed that I realised that he's as relevent today as he was when the plays were first written. New ways must be found to bring this to all new generations attention, without being patronising or being too much about old people trying to be cool and in touch, if you see what I mean...
2.1: Interview with my Parents! (DAD)
- How long have you been going to RSC?
Since 1984.
Why did you start going?
Mum got a job as Merchandising Supervisor for the front of house retailing at the RST, and so got free tickets!
What has made you keep going?Lots of reasons. I organise group ticket purchases for IBM. We have rarely been disappointed so we like to try the plays we haven't seen before, however unusual. Sometimes the lure of a big name actor. Sometimes we just know the play and look forward to a different interpretation.g
Why do you buy the programmes for the plays you see?
They provide a nice way to remember what we have seen. It is also nice to brifely remind yourself of the plot before the play starts. Looking through the cast is fun, seeing what else they have done.
Do you think the programmes are important?
Yes. They allow other departments to express themselves and provide a nice complement to the play.
Why did you keep all the ones you bought?
Too expensive to throw away! (joke) They are just a nice collection to have, and allow us to look back on some of our favourite productions and performances.Would you describe it as a collection. And if so, was it intentional as a collection?
Yes, it is a collection, although I don't think we started out with that intention.
Will you keep buying them in the future?
Can't stop now!
What's the most important part of the programme in your opinions?
The synopsis of the plot and the information on the cast.
What's your favourite parts of the programmes?
Sometimes the articles that are related to the play or to social issues from the time of the play are very well written and interesting.
Do you think the cover images reflect anything (on an obvious level) about the current times or social influences? Refer to my blog if it helps! Or are they purely decorative?
I think they have generally tried to reflect the tone of the production, although they used to have more variety in doing this in our early days of going. There is more consistency of design now, although they still manage to capture something ofthe production, as well as the ensemble aspect of the cast.
hic covers, or the older, more illustrative ones?
Do you think the cover art often reflects the feeling of the play well?
Sometimes, yes. I think the 1984 Richard III and the 1985 Merry Wives programme covers really capture the mood of those productions. Later ones do too but they tend to be more literal. The 2012 Shrew cover really conveys the feistiness of the two principle actors.
Do you prefer the newer, more photograpThat's hard to answer. I think some of the earlier more abstract covers are really clever, but aesthetically I like some of the photography and design of later covers.
Do you like how the programme covers have progressed into this corporate form and remained unified in that way?
I think some of the earlier programmes were more playful and that maybe some of that has been lost. I do like the later programmes, but I wouldn't say I prefer them.
Do you have a favourite cover that you remember?
2009 Arabian Nights - It's all in the eyes!
Do the programmes represent the company profile of the RSC well?
The later programmes are more corporate, more consistent, more professional perhaps. I do think that they are unmistakeably RSC even if you take off the logo.
equivalent of Google StreetView for the theatres so that the view from each part of the seating, and from the stage, could be explored.
Do you see the programmes taking on different platforms of media in the future? (Eg, web based, video, emailed etc)
Well, we've seen what Dusthouse is doing with their trailers, which seem designed to portray the mood rather than the plot. I think it would be good to explore other elements of the programme in a video form such as the rehearsal photos, and perhaps interviews with cast members. Maybe a cast members could read an overview of the plot. For those that forget to view before coming to a play touch screens could be provided around the theatre that allow these to be played. I'd like to see anWhat kind of image to you get of the company from them?
It's hard to be objective because we know the RSC so well. You should perhaps conduct a survey among people who don't know the RSC, maybe even masking the logo.What do you think of these possible changes? Good? Bad?
Anything that makes the plays more accessible and appealing is good.Are you aware of the progression of the RSC's marketing through digital means? If so, what are your feelings on it?
Any artistic company must explore new marketing methods to remain vibrant.