Saturday, 17 March 2012

2.1: Examples - "Speck, a curious collection of uncommon things" by Peter Buchanan-Smith

This artist and collect probably reflects more on what we will have to produce for our workshop. He mainly uses found objects that he can created into typologies, ranging from cat's whiskers that he has found to the test pads you get in art supply shops.

I like the typology he created of lines her drew whilst on various subway lines in New York, it's different and shows, again, a different way of looking at the potential in a typology, it doesn't just have to be objects, it can be actions as well.

"Rilke advises us to go out in the evening, leaving our room of which we know every bit: our house is the last before the infinite. Blake , of course, taught how if the door of perception were cleansed, we might see the world as it is, Infinite. Peter, and "Speck" have lately been propounding something, perhaps, even more marvelous: the infinite potential, that is, in every single bit. That, and the infinite variety as well, in the human capacity for marvel and astonishment."
- Lawrence Weschler

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